The sunflowers skirt

The sunflowers skirt


Yesterday was sunny and today it’s raining. Yesterday bare legs and sunflowers. Today rain boots and umbrella. Spring is this way.
Yesterday I have spent the whole day together with my university girls: among degrees, buffets and ice creams.
A floral skirt with yellow sunflowers (that smell for real!) applied and tulips and butterflies represented in a drawing. A skirt that seems to be modeled on the girl who is wearing it. Of such a beautiful silk and such delicate pattern that the wind can flow through. For me the spring is also this. Walking around Turin with bared legs marveling myself of every flower and of every street, as it was the first time that I see it. Because the spring knows how to give a new light to everything.


Ieri sole oggi pioggia. Ieri gambe scoperte e girasoli. Oggi stivali da pioggia e ombrello. Perché la primavera è così.
Ho trascorso tutta la giornata in compagnia delle mie compagne di università: tra lauree, rinfreschi e gelati gusto cioccolato bianco e nocciola. Due dei miei preferiti.
Una gonna floreale con girasoli gialli applicati (che profumano per davvero!) e tulipani e farfalle disegnati. Che sembra essere modellata su chi la indossa. Di una seta tanto bella e tanto delicata che si può sentire il vento passarle attaverso.
Per me la primavera è questo. Camminare senza calze in giro per Torino meravigliandomi di ogni fiore e di ogni via, come fosse la prima volta che la vedo. Perché la primavera sa regalare a ogni cosa una luce nuova.

My outfit:
SUNFLOWERS SKIRT: Magazzini del Sale
JACKET: Stefanel
EARRINGS + BRACELET: L’Artes des Bijoux
BANGLES: Sal Y Limon
BAG: Balenciaga
SUNGLASSES: Michael Kors

pictures by my friend Rossana

The sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirtThe sunflowers skirt


  1. quest'outfit è veramente splendido!!! ti sta d'incanto!!…

  2. I just LOVE everything about this outfit :)

    I love the colors… everything :)

    You have such beautiful hair… the hair cut and everything :)


    Oh I thought Id let you know that Im following you now through bloglovin.. I think.. there was something wrong with it but I think Im a new follower :)

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